Approval by the prior permission of our G.M. Prof.Dr. Juan Jose Diaz Martinez 10* Dan KAISENDO
Approvals of Kaisendo be performed only by those who already have a certified martial arts combat sport or self-defense system training, and meeting a number of requirements which will be given after studying their certifications and curriculum synthesis and be admitted.
Who can be trained
The Kaisendo not be a system seeking the requirement of the most ideal but seeks to train all generally has no limitations of sex or age as each practice according to their capabilities and their own pace, including people with disabilities physical and intellectual. His teaching is a great motivator for everyone better about himself depending on the area where it is practiced.That is, the Kaisendo essentially allows each person to work on their own limitations and progress is measured each practitioner about himself.
Programs and Levels
Kaisendo programs are designed to train people who have no knowledge of martial art, combat sport or self-defense system as well as for those who come with a formation within them.
The fundamental core program is designed for 8 degrees kyu and 6 Degrees Black Belts or Danes, following an educational process and overcoming the shortcomings that have so far had other martial arts, combat sport and self-defense system. In addition to 4 categories Instructors: provincial, regional and national and international obtained through other top-level programs.
What is Kaisendo?
Kaisendo etymologically means "path or via continuous processing"; as it is described, Chinese characters of the words "KAI" "SEN" "DO"
all this complemented by learning other skills. In addition to the benefits of sport and giving psychological strength developing emotional intelligence basic and neocortez through martial discipline, which makes people who are practitioners of Kaisendo develop the ability to be successful in all areas of your life.
The Kaisendo can be practiced by all kinds of people, nationalities, beliefs, ages and sexes without underestimating any kind, bringing great benefits in their lives and spreading its benefits to others.
Long-term moral and spiritual development of man sought in their social environment. The Kaisendo not based on the teaching of some single or articulated techniques, but in programs of general technical principles (governing bases) compounds, which allow the practitioner to think of a strategy and tactics to create a compendium of techniques that fit the reality of each particular case, avoiding rote learning techniques and consequently nullifying the creation of tactics and strategy in support of it.
The Kaisendo also allows the practitioner to apply the continuous fluid in different areas where you need it.
KANJI KAISENDOEl Kaisendo has already proven its excellent quality, effectiveness and always going forward basis, to the point that some of its former members for weakness, lack of loyalty and little capacity to develop Kaisendo in its entirety, accompanied by a great ambition to become like our founder, they have wanted to establish or develop their own self defense systems that are nothing more than a bad copy of Kaisendo disguised with different elements. So the Kaisendo is a unique system, which will verify when you're a real kaisendoka.
The Kaisendo to be performed as a trilogy (a real self-defense system - a sport full combat - martial discipline) allows people to practice three disciplines in one and simultaneously professionalize its practitioners in self-defense, in a contact sport and a martial art. So people like their teachers are not seen in the need to change or implement other systems or styles of martial arts, but evolve and develop along with the Kaisendo in different scenarios and situations that are happening in their lives present and future. With this we say that the Kaisendo is everywhere and that everything is possible through the path of continuous improvement.
Being a kaisendoka means to be a wonderful energy that is in pursuit of continuous improvement.
Origin and future of Kaisendo
The origin of Kaisendo
It goes back to the traditions, idiosyncrasy and martial disciplines from Eastern and Western countries, great people who dedicated their expertise, their creed, their vision martial disciplines and improving them for a better life in all aspects of human being.
This wealth of wonderful energy gave rise to Grand Master Juan José Díaz drawn a firm intention to make an exhaustive analysis of the observations, knowledge and what practiced for many years both in martial and personally, taking advantage of the circumstances and idiosyncrasies of their own country Spain and routes has been performed worldwide did develop and establish a trilogy (a real self-defense system - a sport full combat - a traditional martial discipline) always adapting to the future, crowned with the essence OD and therefore is called SEN KAI DO (way of continuous improvement), and thus achieve better and more proactive citizens all over the world.
ADVERTISING Kaisendo. Integral System Self-Defense Kaisendo (SIAK) is a system of Spanish origin and is recognized and legalized by the Spanish Interior Ministry, with registration number 163251, before the national register of associations, through the International Sports Association combat and Self Defense Integral Kaisendo and the World Karate Confederation (WKC) ALL JAPAN JU JITSU INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION (AJJIF), World Confederation of Martial Arts (CMAM), the International Confederation Police and Security Experts (ICPSE), as well as the (CSIT), International Labor Sports Committee, to be linked to the Spanish Association of Sport for All. The Ministries of Sports of Cuba (INDER), Ministry of Culture of Venezuela, through the Association; Ministry of Sports of Russia, The Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports Government of India & Human Resources Development.
The Future of Kaisendo
The Kaisendo will gradually becoming a subject of study in the classroom so integral programs from childhood to adulthood advanced in the civilian world.
The Kaisendo as combat sport will be gradually becoming the discipline of mixed sports competitions will no longer fighting to unify different systems but the Kaisendo offers them all in one system.
The Kaisendo as a martial art will combine the art of traditional and modern knowledge and wisdom enriching extraordinarily its practitioners.
The Kaisendo in the Civil Defense has gradually become the system more comprehensive self-defense programs that address a variety of areas in the lives of people of course study is a less rigidly to traditional martial arts or police systems or militarized education, since its base is continuous improvement, and as such this rigidity develop negative side effects, anchoring in concepts and paradigms that would not allow the sole discretion and physical, mental and spiritual evolution of a whole human being.
The Kaisendo in Self Defense Private Security, Police and Military Groups Immediate Reaction and Special Forces in Spain and around the world will be the most widely used system for its programs and its ability to adapt to the security needs worldwide, democratizing increasingly self defense studio within those areas and giving people doing this great job success in their personal and professional lives, becoming more effective institutions and roundly changing the image of the security crackdown by an image prevention. In addition to gradually becoming a subject of study in classrooms in schools where they train people who provide security services for the whole of their programs.
To do this, our founder, board of directors, representatives and delegates, members of our organization, plus all those who support the Kaisendo in purpose, we have a duty to be to develop an indomitable spirit with an abiding faith that future for good society and peace of mankind.
The Kaisendo as combat sports system is a comprehensive and effective program, not only for the development and victory in battles with other systems, but also allows continue feeding and interacting with other combat sports.
And in turn it is part of the trilogy Kaisendo (sport - self-defense - martial) who are always on continuous feedback.
Your program can be used by men and women of all ages meeting the requirements required according to the discipline where you want to participate.
It is also an excellent trainer of physical and psychological components suitable for children and young people, especially in the adolescent age where they need to channel their aggressive energies, personal ambition and adjust to the changes that society imposes according to their maturity.
Become Representative
INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF COMBAT SPORTS AND SELF DEFENSE AND POLICE Kaisendo INTEGRAL asks people to represent, promote and develop our system and integrate all citizens, their public and private institutions to Kaisendo benefit of all societies. Countries where you can represent England, Norway, Holland, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark, Portugal, China, Japan, Thailand, Korea, Canada, USA, Brazil, Honduras, Nicaragua, Chile, Ecuador, Uruguay, Paraguay, Colombia, Guyana, India.
Benefits of being representative
Develop as a better human being and a citizen holistically.
Train you in our modern and efficient system in person or remotely.
Receive current knowledge, programs and techniques of our system information.
Integrarte to a legally recognized and development and international expansion federated system.
Gain recognition and respect in the area where you're playing as a professional protection, martial arts and contact sports.
Homologarte according to your knowledge and skills.
Get income by organizing courses, seminars, workshops and boot camp, etc.
Opportunities to travel to one of the richest places in their culture and tradition as it is Spain sightseeing train you and learn a whole new world of people and opportunities, something unique in your life.
To participate in courses, seminars and workshops that are taught in the different countries where our federation.
According to your performance, development and expansion in our Kaisendo system in your country, sums bonds for training with all expenses paid in different countries with instructors, teachers, etc., the Kaisendo.
And for extraordinary performance, development and expansion in our Kaisendo system in your country, you earn a special bonus for training with all expenses paid in Spain SOKE given by our founder Juan Diaz Martinez.
Requirements to be a representative
Be of age.
No criminal record.
Have knowledge or be related to martial arts, contact sport, physical education, surveillance and personal protection or public safety.
Ability to excel.
Be proactive.
Having managerial capacity - facilitator - coaches.
Be committed to our organization in its development and expansion.
Being committed to our system, whether in the martial art in the contact sport or self-defense in different areas.
Knowledge or have a wizard to manage social networks.
Possessing updated résumé.
Fill out the entry form.
Pay the membership fee.
our Association
Our International Association, protected and legalized by the Ministries of Interior and Foreign Affairs, through the AECI (Spanish Agency for International Cooperation), consists of a large group of great professionals, teachers in different martial arts, which conceived the idea and later a reality, created an association of international character, which were accommodating all martial arts, united by a slogan in common, diffusion and development of martial arts in their various fields, competitive, the self defense, both in civil matters, such as police and military; for this we have a training academy international, where the student body is shaped, he is trained and is certified with an official recognition.
This will allow that both a club, gym or martial arts teacher, as an individual practitioner, can officially join and be represented by our association, recognized by the competent authorities, whose training programs and specialization suit the requirements, knowledge and aspirations associate on the basis of learning Integral, Personal Defense or Military Police, Karate Jutsu, Ju Jutsu and the traditional Aiki Jutsu and its actual capacity of assimilation.
Cultural International Association of combat sports and Integral Self Defense, and police offers its partners, an advisory service remotely and personalized, through tailored programs and direct attention to the training of trainers, through a group of teachers of high technical level and recognized international experience.
Through our organization, Associates will also receive a pedagogical care through the establishment of ad channels, organizational facilities for the recognition of degrees, teaching categories, refresher courses and specialization, regular training and technical improvement, as well as Integral Self Defense courses tailored to the needs and requirements of operational work and social and civic partners of security.
Our statutory purposes tend to promote the general interest, in the terms defined by Article 31.3 of the Law on Associations, and are civic, educational, scientific, cultural, sports, health information, promotion of constitutional values, promotion human rights, social assistance, development cooperation, promotion of women, protection of children.
Promote cultural and sporting events on the Martial Arts and sport in general, nationally and internationally maintaining relations with other countries, cities, and towns, disseminating them among the general public.
Promote the study and teaching, theoretical and practical, Police Personal Defense, Self Defense Physical Training and Applied; focused on the preparation of the State Security Forces and private security companies in order to improve performance with consequent benefits for citizens. is organized organically and functionally democratic and representative, with legal personality and its own patrimony independent of its partners, and full capacity to act, within the limits established by law and regulations, and may acquire for its own purposes, capital goods all kinds, furniture and real estate, contract and be bound to fulfill its purposes and is subject to their own responsibilities.
Our activity is not restricted solely to benefit our partners, but open to any other possible beneficiary who meets the conditions and characteristics required by the nature of their own ends.
Pursue goals of care, civic, educational, scientific, cultural, sports, health, cooperation for development, environmental protection, promotion of the social economy or research, promotion of social volunteering or any other that tend to promote the general interest.
Lacking profit and not distributed among the partners will eventually gotten gains.
Free performance fees of the members of the board of the association.
Having the personal and means suitable materials and suitable organization to ensure compliance with its statutory purposes.
What is the fundamental philosophy of our association?
In our opinion, there is no superior to another association, the superiority lies in men who represent it in the organs of government and its Board of Directors and Technicians that form, without them it would not be possible to maintain a high level of professionalism and competence. To do this within our Association and more specifically in the Training Academy, we have a superb team of professionals who give life and training to all members of our Association.
Jintai Kyukan the term is defined as "vital points of the human body or sensitive points of the human body." Here we will refer to 69 points using the Jintai Kyukan Kaisendo Jutsu, applied to the Police Personal Defense, who performed with punches, pressure and / or twisting can cause different types of lesions in the human body, severe pain in the area hit, paralysis of various body segments, dizziness, bone and ligament tears, loss of consciousness, severe injuries to internal organs and limbs and even death. Acting upon them through acupressure and / or moxibustion, can serve resuscitation or cure.
These vital points are located in various body parts, organs, joints, muscle-tendon joints, nerve centers, soft areas, spaces interscholastic bone, venous nodes. These, due to their weakness or because of their high sensitivity, are capable of producing such effects. We point out that the midline of the body, both anterior and posterior, is the most effective and this effectiveness is decreasing outwards, being the arms are less effective; this line starts from the crown of the head and comes to sex, through the throat, heart, lungs, stomach and belly.
Chinese make their classification into three types:
1. Qi Xiue: Energy Points.
2. Xue Xiue: Blood Points.
3. Xin Xiue: nerve points.
Knowledge of the weaknesses is vital, both for self-defense-and which are the areas that we must protect with special care against any aggression-and to attack them if necessary.
Within the study and practice of Kaisendo, we apply this knowledge to implement them in the field of Personal Defense and especially in the Police Personal Defense; this study we call JINTAI Kyukan KAISENJUTSU, or Personal Defense through the study of the vital pressure points and the human body.
Are techniques specifically made to resolve specific cases of very short duration, such as passive resistance, separation of people, prevent dangerous approximations; To repel an attack in the shortest possible time and with maximum efficiency.
Agents Security Corps faithful servants of Law and Order, must have sufficient knowledge and self-monitoring of pressure points to successfully carry various police interventions; This self-control is vital for maintaining calm and overcome high-risk situations and danger, individual or collective, panic, fear, anxiety, ensuring a clear, rational and intelligent action; all which must be physically prepared and technically to undertake the study of the pressure points
(Jintai Kyukan) and put them into practice in their daily work.
In any case, it should be remembered that the application of certain blows to the kyushos, or Kyukan can have fatal consequences, which should be assessed with particular care application in Self Defense Police, as not all attacks deserve for their solution such radical measures.
The requirements to be met by police defensive techniques, always agree with the fundamental rights of the individual, enshrined in the fundamental eyes of each country.
The police official use its powers must at some point use of force
to resolve certain situations that arise within the scope of police operations.
The use of force is enshrined not only in the laws of all democratic countries, but in the context of the United Nations, where the High Commissioner for Human Rights, developed a number of resources, not only for police training in Human rights, but for police officers; This is the reason why all Agent Security and order, must know with remarkable precision the vital points that have to be closely linked with striking techniques (Atemi waza) The ideal impact propitiate these points and the direction in which the stroke applies, its effects will be multiplied over the same impact in other different zones with different direction and hit.
Knowing the location of a specific point of Dim Mak is not enough for the police, the security agent, can make the Dim Mak successfully. One should know the exact location, depth and direction of scrimmage. Dim Mak students are trained in these aspects of Ate Waza and learn to lead, to focus their energy towards the opponent. In addition to condition areas of scrimmage hands and feet, to be able to hit so deep and pervasive as necessary for each technique of Dim Mak.
There are countless schools of Dim Mak, which give different names to points and using more or fewer of them, from 36 to 144, based on different theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine to apply, it should be noted that these schools are the origin of all Jintai Kyusho systems that currently exist.
Dim Mak is an art and a science in unison, it includes three basic categories:
1) Dim Ching (Hitting on nerves)
2) Dim Hsueh (Hitting in cavities or soft areas) acting on blood vessels causing bleeding or bruising obstructing blood circulation.
3) Dim Mak (Death Blow), Qi method manipulation. Acting on known acupuncture alarm points.
However worth knowing perfectly one or two points on each body and how to attack it, to affect accurately and effectively, to know many vaguely localized points.
The human body works as an electrical terminal, central nervous system, it stops producing power itself to an occurrence stressful situation for surprise, brash, accurate and strong attack, will leave paralyzed or unbalanced so that will not react, at the mercy of their hypothetical victim.
What then is our goal ?, as security agents and Order will be to close the key that produces that energy to block his central nervous system. And how this will be achieved ?, by quick, surprise, timely and above all performance leaving the aggressor without any possibility of offensive response, either by neutralization and / or temporary paralysis of the affected nerve node, or motor paralysis of some their beaten, or by the synergy produced by the use of two or more pressure points (Kyukan) members; Will be achieved causing so much pain on his nerve centers (Dim Ching), points Kyushos or Kyukan (Dim Mak) fundamentally linked to the imbalance and surprise) so we must be accurate in the attack on the spot to hit, ie , attacking their vulnerable areas, ie some or several of the 69 pressure points (Kyukan); exemplify some assumptions:
Agent, policeman goes to the suspect to verify your identity.
The suspect, showing a violent attitude, rebukes the police and immediately throws a direct punch to the face.
Agent repels attack not only blocking or desaviándolo, but it makes an attack defense (Hangeki), located in the pressure point (Kyukan P-7) lung meridian, located 2 cm. above the crest of the wrist, just behind the bony prominence of bone estililoides Radio, this will cause the temporary cessation of the affected limb; time will use the agent to hold your wrist and bring to the ground by projecting legs (O-soto gari), or (TENSHIN GARI NAGE), once down, it will take you upside down to proceed to engrilletamiento, frisking and transfer to the custody for opening the file and transfer to the courts; This point can also be pressed or rubbed to weaken the hand action.
Suspuesto No. 2
Two individuals, highly dangerous and extensive criminal history walk against the agents.
Agent No. 1. Les interpellates giving the highest, ordering them to place their hands on the back of the head; instead of obeying it violently thrown against the agent, brandishing one of them a knife and performing a cutting attack trajectory round neck.
Agent No. 1, repels attack as in the previous case, but after hitting on P-7 and grab his wrist, push points wrist P-8 (lung meridian) and C-6
(Meridiano Heart), while hitting with the forearm der. (Kote Uchi). the neck at point l ID-16 (small intestine), leaving momentarily unconscious assailant to move immediately to engrilletarle, cachearle and transfer him to the police.
The No.2 agent (support) with his service weapon unsheathed, point to the 2nd Offender and order lie on the floor with arms extended, palms of hands turns up, walks on one side and proceeds to Engrilletarle, cachearle and move him along with his other companion.
With these two examples described, we see the two way forward to a given attack, the first of these neutralizing the attack, applying a pressure point with an accurate blow; the second neutralizing attack and the offender, applying two or more pressure points (Kyukan), which can be simultaneous or not, but that would lead to a traumatic shock and a momentary fade, placing the offender at the mercy of agents.
Another factor to consider is, attack primarily below the waist, legs, weakening, to make it lose its motor and stability capacity, include inter alia the points related to the Bladder meridian, V-57, V-56, V-54 V-55- Located on the back of the leg, twins, biceps femoris; Spleen -B-6, B-10 and B-11 localized these on the inside of the leg, above the ankle and the inner thigh; meridian of the gallbladder, mainly Vb-31, and Vb-32 points below the tensor fasciae latae, the medial side of the thigh line 7 inches above the knee and Vb-24 situated between the 6th and 7th intercostal cartilage, together with H-14
(Liver meridian); also we will attack the collarbone up mainly whole neck area, the highlight point PFM9.
Location: On the anterior midline of the Adam's apple, just below the chin.
Atemis: Hiraken Uchi, Aito Uchi, Shuto Uchi.
Beat direction: towards Feng Fou VG 16 (Taller del Viento).
or Kyukan: Mika (Lateral Chin).
or Chinese point: Jia Cheng Jiang (Warehouse Earth).
or point Meridiano: PFM 8.
or Location: 1 sum to VCX24 side directly below E 4, in the hollow hole of the chin. .
or striking Address: TR 17 I Towards Feng (wind screen) on the opposite side. With some rotation down.
Kyukan E-9 (stomach meridian), called in Japanese Yanagi Kazeo Ken,
* Chinese Punto Ren Ying (human acceptance).
* Location: Edge previous sterno-cleido-mastoid, in the horizontal running from top edge of the thyroid cartilage, where the pulse of the external carotid is perceived.
Striking direction: Towards the other GB 9.
* Atemi: Mawashi Oya Yubi Uchi, Yonhon Nukite Uchi, Hiraken Uchi, Ippon Ken Uchi, Nakadaka Ippon Ken Uchi, Gammen and Yokomen and Tetsui Shuto Uchi, Haito Uchi, Mawashi Zuki, Mawashi Empi Uchi.
With deep knowledge of Kyukan and application of these in police interventions, along with a proper mental attitude will be vital for all security officers, the
Police and law enforcement around the world to act and make a commendable police work in accordance with International Standards on Security.
Author: Juan J. Diaz Martinez - 10th Dan Kaisendo
Some authors have had a parceled version of the history of art Ju Jutsu, some of them with real success, others not so much, for my part I have immersed myself in some books of the Japanese feudal era and set before you what I found there.
In an outline of the history of this art, we are at the beginning with difficulties, which were not common in similar searches, the unreliability of many literatures of art; printed books for this purpose were scarce and rare, and meanwhile there were innumerable manuscripts belonging to various schools of art, many of them are contradictory and unsatisfactory creators of new schools seem at times that have made history at will, and so thus, materials for a consistent and clear event origin and creation of Ju Jutsu are very scarce.
In ancient times, knowledge of history and art was held by teachers of several schools that passed from hand to hand information to students, as a secret to be kept as sacred.
Moreover, isolation from one province to another, as a result of the Japanese feudal system prevented much the deal between teachers and students from various schools, and the opposite way and often contradictory things come your transmitted history hand in hand later it is known that the interest of students by practice rather than by knowledge of art itself, to lift and progress in the country.
Many fighting systems met during the Japanese feudal era, fights with weapons like spear, sword, bow, and other unarmed, one of them was the jujutsu.
Going back to the origins of this ancient art, possibly coincide with the appearance of the class of Samurais in 792 AD The army at that time consisted of soldiers armed with swords foot, officers recruited young people from the provinces, of large families and were educated in the art of sword, bow and melee. Emperor Kammu built the Botokuden, (Hall of Virtuous War) as training school for those officers who were called "samurai."
During the twelfth century, the Emperor was overthrown and there were 400 years of Civil War. At this time, Ju Jutsu, was continuously tested and perfected on the battlefield. Although the techniques of Ju Jutsu have been used for centuries, it was during the periodoEDO, (1603-1868), where it reached its peak, and in their schools, about 700, this art is systematically taught by numerous teachers, catching on .
However, in 1873, the reigning government brought a rigid social structure and forbade the Samurais, who carried arms in public. Many of these Samurais resisted these laws, and although they were eventually suppressed, resistance seriously damaged the martial arts; This coupled with the elimination of some social classes, caused profound changes in Japan and also brought the decline in popularity of Ju Jutsu, instead gained in popularity schools Aikido and Judo, which were not associated with the class of Samurais.
Let's go back a few years in the history of Ju Jutsu and analyze events that took place:
In the Buguei Sho Den which is a collection of major biographies of eminent masters of the different arts of fighting practiced in feudal times, the facts are collected in the kogusoku and Ken, who were the equivalent of Kenpo, these two facts distinguish each other, the above as the art of arrest and controls, and later as the art of winning victory docility, or abandonment.
The kogusoku art is ascribed to Takenouchi, a native of Sakushiu, he said the first year of Tenbun in 1532, a sorcerer came home unexpectedly and told Takenouchi five methods to control a man; Then he left and could not tell where it was.
The origin of Art Ken, was established as follows: He came to Japan from China a man named Chingempin, who left the country after the Ming Dynasty, and lived in Kokushoji, (Buddhist temple) in Azabu and Yedo, later called TOKIO.
There in the temple lived three ronin (Warriors), Fakuno, Isogai, and Miura. Some day Chingempin told that there was an art controls, grips, the man who had been practiced by the same in China, but had not learned its principles. Hearing this, the three men made their investigations and after all, were very knowledgeable and skilled.
The, origin of Ju, which is equivalent to jujutsu, is traced by these three ronin, who reported throughout the country. Its principles are established art as well, and the following are their free version:
1.No oppose the contrary, to gain victory by pliancy, or abandonment
2.No point out a common victory
3.No remain struggle to keep the mind empty
I 4.No be bothered by things banality
5.La breathing is a very important thing.
6.No altered in any situation.
In the Butjutsu Ryu Soroku, a biographical book of different schools of Japanese warrior arts, the same event had exactly, the origin of Kosoku, and the same happened with Ju Jutsu, and this also stands at the time lived Miura, around 1560.
In the Chinomaki, a certificate was given to students by the Masters of the School of Kito, a brief history of art and how to teach the main principles found. In them they referenced in a letter dating from 11 Kuabun (1671).
Accordingly, there was a man named Fukuno, who studied the art of unarmed combat, and was so excellent, that could defend against taller and stronger than oneself people. At first, art was not extended for much of the country; but thanks to two students of the same, which highlighted, who were the founders of separate schools, named Miura and Terada. Art taught by Miura, Wa is called, which is equivalent to Yawara, and Terada Art taught by Ju, which is equivalent to jujutsu called.
The date of the period in which shimmered Fakuno, is not mentioned in the certificate named above, but it seems that the date was seen in another manuscript, which must precede the Year Fakuno 11 (1671).
The Owari meisho dzue, relates a fact Chingempin; Accordingly Chingempin Koriken was a native of China, who fled to Japan to escape the mess, when the Ming Dynasty was. He was warmly received by the Prince of Owari, and he died at the age of 85 years in 1671, and thus has on his tombstone in Kenchuji (Nagoya). In the same book there is a passage of Kenpohisho which recounts that when Chingempin lived in Kokushoji in Azabu, the three ronin Fukuno, Isogai and Miura, also lived there, and Chingempin told them that in China there was an art of dams and controls which was most natural, that he had seen, finally, the three men after hearing this, investigated the art and as a result, the school of art called Kitoryu was founded.
In the book called the Sen tetsu so dan, which can be considered an authority on this subject, the basis that Chingempin, probably born in the year 15 of the Banreki was, according to Chinese chronology, which is 1587 sat ; He was found in Nagoya, a priest named Gensei in the second year of Manji in 1659, with whom he intimated much. Together they published some poems under the title of "Gen Gen Sho Washu".
In another book called "Kiyu sho ran", it is reported that, Chingempin arrived in Japan in the second year of Manji (1659).
There are other facts at the origin of Ju Jutsu, which have been given by various schools of art; The account given by the Yoshinryu school is as follows: The school started with Miura Yoshin, a physician of Nagasaki in Hizen. flourished early in the era of the Tokugawa Shogunate, believing that many of the diseases that appeared were due, not to jointly use the mind and body. He invented some methods of Ju Jtsu along with two other of his medical students, found 21 way to catch his opponent, and then other 51. After his death, his students founded separately two schools of Art, one of them named Yoshinryu, which comes from the name of his Master Yoshin. The other is called Miura ryu School, also in honor of his Master.
The other manuscript named Tenjin Shinjoryu Taiiroku. It occurs a conversation between Iso Mataemon, the founder of the Tenshin Shinyoryu, and Terasaki, one of his students. The origin of Ju Jutsu which tells is as follows:
Once lived in Nagasaki a physician named Akiyama, who went to China to study medicine, where he studied an art called Hakuda, consisting of beating with hands and feet, different from that described above in Ju Jutsu, on dams and projections .
Akiyama learned three methods Hakuda and 28 resuscitation ways apparent death, (Kappo). When he returned to Japan, he began teaching this art, but as I had very few resources, students got tired and left.
Akiyama, feeling sorry for this reason, marched Tenshin Shrine Temple in Tsukushi, meditate for 100 days. Here found 303 different methods of this art.
One day during a snowstorm, watched a willow tree whose branches were covered with snow, other than pine stood straight and broken before the storm, other than Willow gave way under the weight of snow on its branches, but not broken, thus reflected, the Ju Jutsu he wanted, it was practiced; We concur in this opinion. We think the art is in its Japanese origin, and developed for the following reasons:
1. Art is a common defense weapons in all countries the state but is in feudal Japan, where extensively develop the Ju Jtsu.
2. kenpo Chinese and Japanese Ju Jutsu, differ substantially in their methods
3. The existence of a similar art, is referred to before the time of Chingempin.
4. Unsatisfactory events Occurred at source
5. The existence of Japanese wrestling in ancient times, which in some respects is assembled, is emparentaba with Ju Jutsu.
6. As the Chinese art and civilization were highly prized by the Japanese, so that to give kudos to art, Ju Jutsu, he was seconded a Chinese origin.
7. In ancient times, the Masters of the different branches of military arts, such as fencing, sword, etc ... seems to be, which was widely practiced in this art.
In support of this view, we emphasize that the Ju Jutsu was practiced first in Japan and was not known in China. In this country there was a similar art called Kenpo, and it is spoken in a book called Kikoshinsho, which seems to be a method of fighting with your feet and use your hands.
But Ju Jutsu encompasses much more than this, becoming more clear and evident. In addition to this, a student from China, according to the instructions in the book, he began to learn and practice self; Meanwhile, in the Ju Jutsu, the participation of another person to be learned is needed.
Although we admit that Chingempin, could have entered the Kenpo in Japan, it is extremely difficult to Ju Jutsu belittle in any way the development of Kenpo.
Also, if Chingempin was skilled in the art, it almost certainly was referring to, in his book of poems, with Gensei, the priest who came to intimar in Nagoya Castle, and published together under the name Geugenshowashiu; However there are no references in his writings about art. Apart from Chingempin, Japanese, could learn something of the art of Kenpo, as practiced in China, called books, Bubishi, and Kikoshinsho.
We believe that the Ju Jutsu is a Japanese art, which may have been developed to perfection without the help of China, even if we admit that Chingempin, or some Chinese Kenpo books, may have contributed to its development. Having discussed the primary source of Ju Jutsu, and generalities, back to different schools, and their differences, which say that there is, among the various names of the art mentioned above. It is impossible to list all existing schools of Ju Jutsu, could count cent of them, because most of the teachers who have been somewhat prominent in this art, have created their own school.
Among the main ones are:
The Kitoryu, the Yoshinryu, the Tenshin shinyoryu, the Yoshin Sekiguchi, the Budoshinryu, the Sanzyuryu, the Yamatoryu, the Takenouchiryu, etc ...
Of these we will draw the valuable contribution given by KANO Master, Ju jutsu created by him, it gave equal importance to mental attitude and physical, against other schools, which only gave importance to its warlike attitude, which is what They were created.
During World War II, the Allied occupation army banned the practice of martial arts and this camp was not revoked until 1951; Many teachers and practitioners of Ju Jutsu, left Japan at this time began to be introduced in the West, this defense system, known as Ju Jutsu Jiu-Jitsu
Today the Ju Jutsu, has taken different routes, the most widespread, if it fits in my humble opinion is, the facet provided by Jigoro Kano, where importance is given to the relationship between mental and physical attitude; However there are several schools in the prevailing sense of art as a system of struggle, self-defense; Others have become a School of Champions, where what matters is winning the contrary; others, runs real show where money and betting raudales.Nosotros continue to believe in the doctrine of KANO.
Author: Juan J. Díaz - 10th Dan Kaisendo
In recent times it has been producing a boom in security-related activities. They have increased the strength of the bodies and security forces of the State and also emerged the number of companies engaged in the area of safety, handling increasingly surveillance and protection of public places such as transportation centers commercial, public buildings, etc.
No doubt the emergence of this phenomenon can not ignore the emergence of new forms of organized crime and internationalization of criminal gangs. In the era of globalization, not only commercial or business activities are internationalized, if not also moved from country to country, criminal activities.
This phenomenon has produced many changes criminals and their ways. These groups are increasingly violent, and usually consist of people from countries that are or have often been at war, which creates a very violent behavior in criminals hitherto unknown in our welfare state.
The response to this new threat can not consist only in an increase in the number of people dedicated to security, but it also this increase must be accompanied by an intensification in the training of agents. This training must always be carried out continuously, following this fundamental lemma in martial arts, KAI SEN, also known as continuous improvement. This training should equip the agents of basic resources to ensure their safety and the safety of those under its protection.
In many countries the existing legal systems limit to the number of tools agents to perform their duties as law enforcement officers and security, making it truly difficult duty, always adjusted to the legal channels on Security.
- "should only use weapons in situations where there is a reasonably serious risk to life, physical integrity or those of third parties, or in circumstances that may pose a serious risk to public safety ..."
- "(In his performances) ... shall be governed by the principles of congruence, opportunity and proportionality ..."
DVD1 Writing repeated in the legislation governing private security. Given this limitation, agents must take full advantage of the tools that the law allows use.
Knowledge of the law is the most influential factor in law enforcement officers and security both public and private, providing them with enough poise and determination to intervene in accordance with the principles of proportionality regarding the crime.
For those who work in the exercise of a duty or a right, office or position, the main requirement is that it be done legitimately, under the legal system in order to determine the legal cover of "employment the force.
In the exercise of his functions shall act with the necessary decision without delay when it depends prevent serious, immediate and irreparable harm, guided in doing so by the principles of:
or Congruencia
or Opportunity
or Proportionality
Agents of Order and Security, have the power delegated to them by the State to perform its task of public safety through effective service based on the prevention, investigation and control of crime; This preventive policing will aim to gradually meet the growing demands of security of the population in time, space and opportunity, through differentiated, equitable and available technical means and through close communication and interaction with the community; and they are obliged to make arrests in certain cases and to certain facts and must be performed after reducing immobilize the aggressor when resist, applying the shackles with maximum security measures.
In order to perform this operation it is necessary to have:
or illegitimate Aggression
or rational necessity of the means employed to prevent or repel
o Lack of sufficient provocation by the defender.
A ground for excluding most frequently used in oral seen in almost all countries, is the indiscriminate and disproportionate use of force, for it rationality of the means or proportionality of violence used in connection with necessary the committed aggression.
Need not official action is unlawful violence would be sufficient that the agent is in a situation that requires its intervention to defend the public order in general or to defend interests of others.
Undoubtedly one of the basic tools of all Security Service are available shackles or handcuffs, which have commonly been used only to keep the individual insured after a previous reduction. However, the possibilities offered by this instrument are unlimited, as it can be used as a defensive element against any aggression, whether armed or disarmed.
Imagine for a moment an armed assailant with a knife, and willing to use it against the Agent, this will conminará to release the gun, but the assailant continues in his criminal action, Agent rationed use of the proportionality of force could be used instead of the baton, police Tonfa or other types of gifted some special units batons, although each country gives its police units of one type of both lethal and non-lethal weapons and before using the firearm, shackles could use as a non-lethal to repel aggression defensive and blunt weapon neutralizing aggression first and second aggressor, being shackled in one action; making this engrilletamiento with maximum safety for both the agent and the aggressor.
For there to be maximum security, should be given several premises:
1. The detainee must be at a disadvantage, compared with Agents; It is by its position, controlled under control technique, either standing, kneeling and lying face down.
2. It once shackled detainee's hands, which are such that prevent or hinder the opening of the shackles, versus wives to do so, placing the shackles must be done correctly, hands and back the backs of the opposite, except in cases of extreme danger which may be placed with overlapping hands, hands call: Maximum security ".
3. Once the shackles placed, it will put the safety lock to prevent the can adjust more and self-harm.
4. ve made the engrilletamiento proceed to a record or prior frisking on the floor to see if concealed weapons, drugs or other blunt objects, before being transferred to the police station and then transferred to the Judge.
In the new work edited by Budo International, under the acronym (SIAK), Integrated System Defense Kaisendo POLICIAL, will find countless neutralization techniques, arrest and disarms using shackles as a defensive weapon, nonlethal, always used as a means self-defense in accordance with the Law and Order, with a rate appropriate to each situation proportionality.
The most important thing about this tool is its versatility action, and no criminalization service weapon; therefore its use as a means of self-defense would be covered by existing laws on security, ensuring the free and peaceful exercise of constitutional rights of all citizens.
Author: Juan J. Díaz - 10th Dan Kaisendo
One of the biggest dilemmas faced by security forces for law enforcement today is the continued increase in violence, including attacks on civilians and attacks on homes with extortion and infinite cruelty, as own police and private security. It is at this point that the dilemma arises: How can we bring to fruition the line of duty or work ?, many police and members of other agencies involved in security were unarmed and wounded later with their own weapons, after a bad police intervention, where immediacy and technical efficiency are of considerable interest, arising at this point the following question: How should act those who enforce the law and defend us?
The demand for protection of individual rights is constantly being claimed by the Company, who require compliance with the law and order; such requests placed in a dilemma persons responsible for maintaining security: On the one hand are required by the public to stop and neutralize aggressive and dangerous people quickly and effectively. Moreover they are unjustly accused of brutality and penalties levied on them until even prison without pay, being themselves punishable by law trying to protect.
Often the police and members of other security forces try to find answers to these basic questions:
a) When is it appropriate to use force to detain a person?
b) What kind of strength and how much should be used?
c) What should I do to avoid being denounced by overzealous on duty? ,etc.
At the international level, within the Council of Europe dated May 8, 1979, talking about the various rules of conduct of the police as well as the Code of Conduct for officials to enforce the law, and in the United Nations General Assembly, dated the 17.12.1979, recognize and authorize the order to force the security agencies for the prevention and suppression of crime and to protect the free exercise of rights and freedoms of citizens and ensure public peace.
But there is also the unspoken concern that the use of force if, rational, weighted in proportion to the need and risk in each situation, provided that after the dialogue and persuasion Agent of the Authority have not been sufficient to solve the conflict.
In Spain, the Spanish legal system determines the legal cover two distinct aspects, the administrative area of Public Safety and Criminal.
Its main support is in the Organic Law 2/86 of 13 March, Forces and State Security; in his article 5.2C, it tells us that, in the exercise of their duties shall act with the necessary decision without delay when it depends prevent serious, immediate and irreparable give the money; doing so governed by the principles of:
In the means at its disposal, to fulfill that role.
And in his article 5.2.d particular, will use weapons only in situations where there is a reasonably serious risk to life, physical integrity, third party, or in circumstances that may pose a serious risk to public safety and in accordance with the principles in the preceding paragraph refers to.
The other coverage, in the criminal legal order; Article 20.4. Penal Code establishes what has been called defense of "legitimate defense", provided that the following criteria:
unlawful violence.
rational necessity of the means employed.
Lack of sufficient provocation by the defender.
If there is an illegal aggression, it is provided justifying the use of this force, although this is not only mandatory for State Security Bodies and finding a legal justification for their intervention.
In paragraph 7 of Article 20 of the Penal Code, speech and the defense: "He who works in line of duty or in the legitimate exercise of a right, legal office."
Today the jurisprudence of the TS, is putting remedy this exemption and setting some requirements for full appreciation; These requirements are:
The Agent of the Authority, is in the performance of his public duties as entrusted lawfully.
That specific regulations enforcement officer, authorizing it to make use of violent means in carrying out the duties of his office.
That violent behavior and the use of force reasonably necessary and essential for fulfilling the duties inherent in his position, distinguishing two aspects:
imperative need for violence, having exhausted other means, this is called "necessity abstract".
The other need is called "Need specific" after the first that has been justified in the absence of another possibility of carrying out the intervention, it refers to the "suitability of the means chosen to exercise violence."
Although every day the Agents must answer these and similar questions instantly and ultimately to protect itself, the consequences are not always the most successful.
The answer to this clear need police can be found in many systems Police Self Defense, specifically in the police Kaisendo, to find among his arsenal of police intervention techniques, the application of the Jintai Kyukans or Jintai Kyushos, (vital points of the human body), being easy execution, causing no apparent damage to the aggressor.
It has been found in many cases that the reduction and control techniques can be easily and skillfully applied by enforcement officers; From here the study and practice of Kaisendo POLICIAL, is being used by police forces in some countries in Europe and especially in South America.
The Kaisendo POLICIAL, develops high execution speed and techniques are always more effective and safe control when and retain an aggressor. Recall that the role of agents of the Authority is to produce minimal injury to the person to avoid consequences of legal, both for himself and the institution he represents.
In conclusion, the practice of this self-defense system facilitates the mastery of all the techniques of intervention before any armed aggressor or without weapons, achieving total reduction and control, in a favorable and safe time for their physical integrity, the aggressor and the other citizens.
¡¡¡Not use violence let us use KNOWLEDGE !!!
Author: Juan J. Díaz - 10th Dan Kaisendo
Technician in Police Defensive Tactics &
Shime Waza or chokes are used from the beginning of judo as a sport, although they were and are used in the field of self-defense.
Strangulation victory is won when the opponent, abandoned or deprived of consciousness.
Chokes competitions for children and cadets (Juniors), they are prohibited; among those most opposed to chokes doctors and parents.
How safe are chokes?
Almost the vast majority of judokas or Ju Jutsokas or kaisendokas experienced, have experienced the effects of a partial or full throttle, ie, who have fled the fighting, or who have become unconscious. It is unusual to have an unconscious competitor after being resuscitated.
Shime Waza techniques, used in Judo Jigoro Kano, exemplifies one of their doctrines: "Maximum efficiency with minimal effort."
If you are properly applied, the weaker and smaller can subdue and defeat a larger opponent and stronger. Currently this difficulty most experienced fighters, is to fight to avoid being strangled. To effectively strangling the opponent, the body must be controlled, must first know many techniques exhaust chokes, then apply them.
Basically, except for a form of Shime Waza (Hadaka Jime), pressure is applied to both sides of the neck, that anatomists, is called the carotid triangle. This triangle is formed by the middle and anterior vertex line of the chin to the top of the sternum, above by the line formed by the lower edge of the mandible, and then by the outer edge of the sternocleidomastoid muscle.
In the center of the triangle is the jugular veins, carotid arteries and the branches, and the carotid sinus. There are no large muscle masses to protect this area. The pressure applied in this area, depends to some extent on the technique, which may be the fist neck kimono, lapels. Very often the pressure distal radius and wrist, gently compress the neck structures until these structures are not sufficiently compressed, strangulation will not be effective. Neophytes often leave, not because they are afraid of being strangled, but because of the pain that chokes occur with improper methods applied.
Hadaka Jime, differs from other forms of strangling, by the party pressure, which is the larynx and trachea, which is extremely painful and often leave the fighters before unconsciousness occurs applies.
Using Kimono neck to choke, it takes longer than using bone structures of the wrist and forearm. The pressure is diffused around the neck, and until the pressure is not strong enough in the carotid triangle choke will not be effective.
A considerable number of technical advances have been made by Japanese experts. These results are published in two reports of the bulletin of the Association of Scientists and Scholars of Kodokan Judo in 1958 and 1963. They have studied the physiological effects of chokes in Judo, using electroencephalogram of the wave-like brain changes and aeroxímetro for blood oxygen saturation, the sigmamómetro, to measure blood pressure, the plethysmograph to see the reactions perisféricas blood vessel, the micro pipometro, for changes in skin temperature. Other studies on blood plasma concentration, volume of water in blood, hematocrit, urine, and the content of 17-keto steroids.
They were of course interested in whether there were adverse effects, during and after chokes, and precautions should be taken to prevent such consequences.
What follows are some of the conclusions made based on his experiments, carried out in humans and animals:
1. Unconsciousness appears approximately 10 seconds, (8 and 14 seconds), after the throttle. After stopping this is recovered without difficulty between 10 and 20 seconds.
2. Hadaka Jime, the pressure exerted on the larynx and trachea causes excruciating pain, but no pain in other strangulation techniques prior to unconsciousness.
3. The result of unconsciousness of a choke in judo, jujutsu or Kaisendo, is due primarily by the lack of oxygen and metabolic disorders originate in the brain, as a result of disturbances of cerebral circulation.
4. The appearance of pallor on the face, is due to disorders caused by the pressure in the carotid arteries and jugular veins.
5. When the seizure occurs, electroencephalograms (EEG) made are very similar to epileptic seizures.
6. tachycardia (increased heart beat rate), hypertension (increased blood pressure), mydriasis (dilated pupils), were caused by stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system (vagus nerve).
7. tachycardia and hypertension can be attributed to carotid sinus reflex.
8. All other laboratory studies, showed changes that are similar to the conditions that accompany a schok.
9. chokes act as a stressor circulatory system of hipofisio-aderanocortical.
It is much less dangerous than "Knock out" in boxing and there is no reason to exclude them from training or competition, if the proper precautions are taken.
There are however, three major dangers in chokes, based on the above experiments:
1. Maintain a throttle causes heart disorders and hypertension
2. Apply chokes younger, the central nervous system and the heart is not fully developed
3. Continue holding the throttle when the person lying unconscious.
Since the compromise of Judo developed by Jigoro Kano in 1882, there has been a death attributed directly to a strangulation. There are four reasons why these fatalities do not occur:
1. Yes when a strangulation training or competition occurs is observed by a knowledgeable person, coach, teacher, instructor.
2. Competitors drop out before unconsciousness occurs.
3. After the throttling competitors, return to consciousness in a natural way, between 10 and 20 seconds.
4. The immediate application of artificial respiration by a qualified instructor Master, preventing hypoxia (lack of oxygen) long.
The Judo chokes are safe, since the beginning of Judo, statistics show that fatalities are not attributable to Shime Waza.
Moreover, scientific studies on the throttles, revealed that they are not harmful; Finally precautionary measures and methods used makes the technique relatively safe throttle to make the opponent surrender in competition.
Author: Juan J. Diaz Martinez - 10th Dan Kaisendo
About the Grand Master
Grand Master Juan José Díaz of Spanish nationality Bachelor of Science in Physical Education and Sport, with over 50 years of uninterrupted practice in the field of martial arts and self defense systems and self-defense in different areas and consultant and professor of Self Defense Police, the Municipal Police of the City of Madrid. He is currently the President and Founder of the International Sports Federation Combat and Self Defense Integral and police Kaisendo.
Euroamericana president of the Confederation of Karate and Martial Arts Related (CEKAMA)
President of the International Confederation of police and security experts
Grand Master for being a man of such personally and professionally pioneering, innovative and futuristic in his country Spain and abroad, teaching martial arts, self-defense and self-defense in all areas he received through the International School of martial Arts (ISMA) the Hall of Fame of martial Arts is recognized and recorded in the book of gold for his long and fruitful career as a teacher of combat sport, martial arts and self-defense in all areas, also it is recognized globally its Spanish defense system Integral and Police Kaisendo (SIAK).
Master Founder Juan J.Díaz is:
Dr. of Science of Martial Arts.
10th Dan Kaisendo
Ju Jitsu 10th Dan by the World Butokukai Institute, recognized by the (AJJIF), All Japan Jiu Jitsu International Federaction.
10th Dan Karate Jutsu
Dai Soke 10th Dan (World Sijo DaiSoke Renmei)
9th Dan Tai-Ho-Jutsu.
9th Dan in Yawara Ryu Aiki Jiu Jitsu (Menkyo Kaiden Hanshi)
Soke Dai Hanshi 9th Dan (World Ju Jitsu / Aiki Bujutsu Federation)
9th Dan BU-JUTSU by the Association Française de Bu Jutsu and Bourdon
9th Dan Karate recognized by the International School of Martial Arts (ISMA), and the Grand Masters International Council (GMIC)
8th Dan Karatedo, validated by Budokai International Federation
8th Dan Aikido (International Confederation of AIKIDO)
Kip 7th Dan Kep Hsiao (Cuban Association of ke Hsiao-limalama Chijiuheping)
6th Dan Judo recognized by the International School of Martial Arts (ISMA), and the Grand Masters International Council (GMIC)
4th Dan Tonfa Police by the French Association of Baton.
Adviser and National Professor of Judo and Karate.
International consultant and Professor of Physics and Self Defense Self Defense Police (DPO Defense Staff Operations)
Professor authorized and recognized by the Directorate General of Police with Nº2076- SUPERIOR TECHNICAL AND POLICE TACTICS IN DEFENSIVE TECHNIQUES, recognized by the Ministry of Labor in France, No. 11753859075
GLOBAL DIRECTOR AND CHIEF INSTRUCTOR OF THE ACADEMY OF POLICE TACTICS OPERATIONS (OTP) DE VENEZUELA recognized and legalized by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports of Venezuela with PR No. 01941504.
Master Juan Díaz is an author and writer of books and articles. The creation of his first books was inspired by the passion for martial arts delegated to the teachers and that led him to convey that knowledge to the fundamental pillars of society (children) and therefore wrote the first books in Spain on martial arts for children who have been recognized by federations of Judo and Karate which are today fundamental pillars of science study of this discipline:
Judo for Kids
Pedagogy of Child Karate.
5 Shito Ryu Karate Kata.
At present Soke Juan J. Díaz is dedicated to advising and training of professionals in all areas of self-defense in martial discipline and combat sports internationally through courses, seminars and conferences, in addition to directing and monitor the different organizations that has already founded it belongs to. It is also dedicated to the promotion and dissemination of your system through articles, books and various media.
Delegate: Michael Creedy 7th Dan Kaisendo. 7th Dan Karate & Ju Jitsu. National Representative Kaisendo
Address: 47 Frank Street Kirwan. Townsville QLD. 4817 -Australia
Phone: 07 4723 1225
Officer: Walter Andrés Martínez, CN Kaisendo 3rd Dan. National Director and Representative for the Republic of Argentina.
Police and military instructor in various professional institutions. Tactical Officer International (NOC-SWAT).
Address: Paraguay, 1240 - CP 1618 Talar (Buenos Aires)
Phone: 011-1568672227
Delegate: Olvis Iber Atahuichi Sanabria. Kaisendo National Representative, 2nd Dan Kaisendo,
Address: Avenida Baltazar de Sala, 827 (Zona Red Wine) - La Paz (Bolivia)
Phone: 591-70626895
Santiago Chile)
Delegate: Miguel Angel Poblete Troncoso, 7th Dan Jiu Jitsu; 6th Dan Kaisendo. National Director and representative of the International Federation Chile Kaisendo. Military Self Defense instructor CN 7th Dan
Address: East -3 Regiment No. 16 esq. 11 North 2197 Talca / Chile
Delegate: Gao Xinwei. Black Belt 4th Dan Kaisendo, 4th Dan Karate Jutsu
Address: Room.104. No.68 Xin Sheng West Rd, Huq qiao town, Kun Shan City, Jiang Su province. PC 215333 Shanghai
Phone: 1 391-676-7774
Costa Rica
Delegate: Sensei Joe J. Guzman Segura. 2nd Dan Kaisendo, 1st Dan Goshin Jutsu Ryu
Address: San Juan de Tibás, San José de Costa Rica, Central America - City San Juan de Tibás - San José Province
Phone: (506) 8764-4565
Delegate and Representative for Cuba and Latin America: Luis Caballero Cabeiro 9th Dan Kaisendo - Dr. DC. AA. MM
Address: C / 17 # 621 Apto 4- 2nd Floor between B and C (Vedado / Square) Havana.
Phone: 537 8306827
Delegate: David Domingo Roncal. Dan Kaisendo 6th, 6th Dan Karate, 4th Dan DPO
Email: //
Delegate: Luis García Rivera. Dan Kaisendo 3rd, 4th Dan DPP
Address: Headquarters Local Police (Roquetas)
Phone: 636228532 // 950345969
Delegate: Manuel Angel Carrillo Troy. 8th Dan Kaisendo, 7th Dan Karate Jutsu, 5th Dan Personal Defense Operations, 5th Dan Taichi (Taiji - Yang Style), Professor of Taichi, Monitor Qigong (Qigong), Instructor International Self Defense Integral, National Coach Karate Instructor tonfa Police, Instructor of Staff of 1m., Instructor of TAI ZEN KAT
Address: El Puerto de Santa María - Cádiz - Spain
Phone: 615875366
Delegate: Tatsuyoshi Hattori. 4th Dan Kaisendo
Address: Hermanos Tonneti 1 Santander (Cantabria)
Phone: 656925051 // 608829740
Castilla la Mancha
Delegate: Pedro J. Bueno. 2nd Dan Kaisendo, 2nd Dan Judo
Phone: 660 606 488
Delegate: Alex Sepulveda Laguna. 2nd Dan Kaisendo, 1st Dan Karate
Delegate: José Antonio Martos of God. 6th Dan Kaisendo. 5th Dan Judo. National Instructor.
Delegate: Gaston Hector Fuentes, 3rd Dan Kaisendo, 2nd Dan Atemi Ryu
Address: 8221 Glades Road - Suite 206/5 / -Boca Raton, Fl 33434
Phone: (561) 531-2209
Chief: Liviu Danila
Phone: +33770695493 // Mobile: +33 638719068
Delegate: Dr. Dibyendu Nag (ND), 6th.Dan Kaisendo, 8th.Dan Karate, Director General of the Indian Institute of Martial Arts-IIMA Representative of India in International Federation of Sports of Combat, Integral and Police Self Defense Kaisendo.
Address: 45/5, SKDeb Road; Lake Town; Kolkata - 700,048; West Bengal; INDIA
Phone: Mobile: 091.9874741567
Delegate: Sensei Ramin Batemi. 7th Dan Karate Jutsu, Aikido, Judo, Jiu Jitsu. 6th Dan Kaisendo
Address: PO Box 14515/945 Tehran (Iran) CP 1473953661
Phone: 0098-21-44442714 0098-21-44440346 //
Email: //
Web Site: / Iran / html
Clubs: Batebi Dojo
Italy (Bari)
Delegate: Carlo Milella - 6th Dan Kaisendo. National Director for Italy
Address: Via A.De Viti De Marco, 20 - Bari (Italy)
Phone: +39 3472252267
Delegate: Juan M. Martinez Duran. 5th Dan Kaisendo
Address: Tlalnepantla de Baz .México Province.
Phone: 52 53097964 MOBILE: 55 2731 4774
Delegate: Sayed Hassan Raza Sensei, 3rd Dan Kaisendo, 3rd Dan Kyokushinkai (Pakistan Chief).
Phone: 0092-321-4987487
Delegate: Cesar Alfredo del Aguila Olortegui, Black Belt 5th Dan Kaisendo; White Red Belt 6th Dan Personal Defense Police; Black Belt 2nd Dan Ju Jutsu; Black Belt 2nd Dan Hapkido
International Confederation of Martial Arts - CIAM
Cuban Peruvian Institute of Ju Jutsu and Self Defense Integral Kaisendo - IPCJJK
Kaisendo Peru Dojo
Delegate: Costica Ursac, President of the Romanian Federation Kaisendo
Dan Kaisendo 6th, 5th Dan Karate, 5th Dan Kobudo
Address: Sos Bravu: Nr.386- B2a-sc.A- bl et. 6-fit 54- Sector 3, Bucharest; Postal code 030325
Web site:
Email: //
Phone: 0040/745186957
Russia (Moscow)
Delegate: Gennady Egorov. 3rd Dan Kaisendo. 3rd Dan Karate Jutsu
Delegate: Sensei Fathi Ben Ali Riahi; DNI 05601154 / 6th Dan Kaisendo. 6 DAN KARATE / 6th DAN JU JUTSU - AJJIF / _CORPS A CORPS
Fondateur et président de l'association des Arts Siraj Individuel Sportif et Culturelle. et de l'Association Tunisienne de Kaisendo et des arts martiaux intégral et fondateur et président Délégation de l'Union Africaine Representative du Kaisendo International et Arts Martiaux Intégral Police Self Defense Personnel et Sécurité Expert
Address: Cité ichquel No. 42 tinja (TUNISIA)
Phone: 0026153679481 - Fax: 0216 72569702
E-mail: /
Clubs: Siraj Association des Arts Sportifs individuels Tinja